Read our students' stories that start from the CUHK and go further beyond.

HUI, Yat Tung
主修:Bimodal Bilingual Studies

The Bordeaux Internship Programme provided me with an extraordinary and indelible experience that has had a profound impact on my career aspirations within the wine-related industry.

During the programme, I had the privilege of exploring various facets of the wine world, which became the foundation of my wine knowledge. Visiting the renowned Cité du Vin, where I immersed myself in the rich history and culture of wine, attending training sessions at a reputable wine school, and having the opportunity to tour prestigious châteaux, notably Château Latour, were pivotal moments that broadened my understanding and appreciation for the intricate world of wine.

Among all these remarkable experiences, my time spent at Châteaux Brane-Cantenac holds a special place in my heart. It was here that I had the invaluable chance to engage in hands-on activities, particularly in the art of berry picking. Under the guidance of the vineyard manager and alongside my dedicated co-workers, I was taught the fundamental skills required for this meticulous task. From learning to delicately cut the grapes between the brown and green branches in the vineyards to witnessing the meticulous handling of the entire harvesting process, including the swift delivery of freshly handpicked berries to the awaiting trucks, I gained invaluable insights into the intricacies of wine production.

One key lesson I learned was the importance of efficiency in the harvesting process. It became evident that to maximize productivity, it was crucial to avoid workers spending excessive amounts of time picking berries in the same vineyard. Instead, a more effective approach was implemented, where co-workers would embark on a shuttle bus and move to another vineyard, optimizing the utilization of resources and minimizing unnecessary delays. This strategy exemplified the dedication and ingenuity of the team at Châteaux Brane-Cantenac, where every individual, whether a worker, technician, or manager, fully understood that they were not only representing themselves but also the esteemed wine label itself. This unwavering commitment to their craft, coupled with their deep passion and strong work ethics, left an indelible impression on me, serving as a constant reminder of the values that underpin the wine-making culture.

In conclusion, the Bordeaux Internship Programme not only served as a catalyst for my future career aspirations but also provided me with a myriad of unforgettable experiences. Through visits to iconic wine landmarks, hands-on training, and the chance to witness the dedication and passion of the team at Châteaux Brane-Cantenac, I have been equipped with a profound understanding of the wine industry and invaluable life lessons that will undoubtedly shape my professional journey.