Read our students' stories that start from the CUHK and go further beyond.

CHOW, Sin Ting
主修: Integrated BBA
實習機構:Bank of China

Interning at Bank of China in Nanjing provided me with a plethora of valuable experiences and features. Perhaps the most significant of these was the opportunity to work alongside seasoned professionals in the banking industry. I was able to learn from the best in the business, and their guidance and mentorship played an instrumental role in my development as a budding banking professional.

Another valuable feature of my internship was the exposure I received to various departments within the bank. I was able to work on projects and initiatives with teams from different departments, and this gave me a comprehensive understanding of the different functions and operations of the bank. This breadth of knowledge is something that would have been difficult to acquire through academic studies alone.

Finally, the internship gave me a chance to put theory into practice. The concepts I had learned in the classroom were applicable in real-life situations, and this helped to reinforce my academic knowledge. The internship was an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience in the banking industry and to put my skills and knowledge to the test.

While my internship at Bank of China was an incredibly enriching experience, it was not without its challenges. One of the primary difficulties I encountered was adapting to the fast-paced nature of the banking industry. The pace at which decisions were made and the speed of execution was much quicker than what I had been accustomed to in a classroom setting. This required me to be agile and adaptable, and I had to learn to think on my feet and act quickly.

Finally, there was the challenge of balancing my workload and responsibilities. There were times when I was tasked with several projects simultaneously, and it was challenging to prioritize my tasks and manage my time effectively. However, this was an excellent learning opportunity, and I was able to develop valuable time management skills that will serve me well in my future career.