Read our students' stories that start from the CUHK and go further beyond.

CHONG, Yung Yung Selina
主修:Integrated BBA

During my participation in the GIP 2023 internship, one of the most valuable features was my role as an Operations Intern at Talent Link Pte. Ltd. This internship provided me with a unique opportunity to engage in regular Operations process reviews and offer improvement suggestions using a data-driven approach. I learned how to analyze the company's operational processes, identify potential areas for enhancement, and provide substantive recommendations. This experience not only honed my problem-solving skills but also provided me with in-depth insights into various aspects of corporate operations.

Additionally, I closely collaborated with the Sales and Marketing team to generate meaningful insights for existing clients. This included reviewing client profiles and mentor profiles to ensure the smooth operation of coaching processes. Through this collaboration, I learned how to apply data analysis to business decisions and serve clients more effectively. This valuable experience has enriched my understanding of the corporate world and provided me with insights that will be beneficial throughout my career.

Despite the invaluable experiences gained during this virtual internship, I encountered certain challenges. One of the most significant challenges was collaborating across international boundaries. I was based in Hong Kong, while Talent Link
Pte. Ltd. is located in Singapore, leading to differences in time zones and geographical locations. This created coordination issues that required enhanced communication and time management.

Another challenge I faced was the inherent difficulty of remote work. Virtual internships demand a higher degree of self-discipline and self-management. I needed to ensure I maintained a high level of self-organization to make the most of the remote work opportunity. This included effective time management, proficient online collaboration, and troubleshooting technical issues.

I am grateful to my supervisors Kai Hong and Tony for their mentorship and guidance throughout this programme!