This unique experience has equipped me with better skills to work in a team and to network, and now I have a better idea about the field I want to work in.

CHEN Yilei
2022 Year 3, BA Chinese Lang & Lit

Programme: D-Generation Community Innovators Scheme

D-Generation is a highly diversified platform dedicated to providing internship programmes for youths of different backgrounds to learn about local Hong Kong culture. Its programmes cover a wide variety of fields including community education, event management, impact research and digital marketing. During the internship, D-Generation follows closely the performance of all participating students and offers relevant career counselling. In addition, we can take part in many offline activities, such as field studies, community interviews and a site visit to the Hong Kong Science Park.  This unique experience has equipped me with better skills to work in a team and to network, and now I have a better idea about the field I want to work in.