Read our students' stories that start from the CUHK and go further beyond.

“It’s not that I helped them. It’s them who made me keep learning.”

Casey Chu 朱啟晉
Blogger of Before Sunrise 《裂縫中的陽光》網誌作者 (Chung Chi Computer Science Year 7 崇基計算機科學 七年級)

Programme: We are CUHKers II 我們都是中大人 II

No two cracks are ever the same, just as every CUHKer has a different and unique story. But one thing the cracks on a broken piece of pottery have in common is the beam of light that goes through them, shining through the darkness and radiating the power of rebuilding one’s faith. While such a positive take on flaws echoes Enders Wong’s insight into the wisdom of kintsugi, it also resonates in Casey Chu, who has found rays of hope from his illness. 

A former cancer patient, Casey has been running the blog Before Sunrise since 2018. It is a platform for him to share his experience of fighting cancer, with the aim of bringing hope to other patients who are also battling health problems. He says, “Many people see imperfections in cracks, but I think it is the flaws that make one special.” To Casey, a crack is what lets light in, bringing warmth and a ray of hope. It symbolises an opportunity to reinvent oneself in the face of adversity.

Casey is only in his 20s, but he has already been through many ups and downs in life. His illness not only forced him to suspend his studies twice, but also shattered his social life. However, all the painful experiences also taught him to be empathetic, especially towards those who are going through tough times in life. So he started blogging to record his physical conditions and also share his thoughts on the difficulties and challenges facing him. It has turned out to be a rewarding experience. The best part of it, he says, has been the meaningful interactions with his readers. 

Once Casey received a message from a reader suffering from an inherited eye disease like him. In the message, the reader poured his heart out, voicing his frustration with his inconsiderate boss and his family’s indifference towards his plight. Feeling helpless, he found solace in Casey’s writings. In response, Casey encouraged him to change jobs and try to look for companies with a comprehensive support system for visually impaired employees. Recalling the correspondence with that reader, Casey says he finds it particularly rewarding to be someone else’s listener, providing them a safe space to express themselves freely. To him, communicating with his readers feels like talking to a friend, and he sometimes finds himself learning a lot from them.

“It’s not that I help them. It’s through them that I am able to keep learning,” says Casey. Every reader who comes to him has a different background. When reading the stories of those who have considerable experience in the working world, he often feels as if they were a dress rehearsal for the challenges ahead for him, making him aware of the importance of changing perspective in order to restore faith, especially in a fast-moving society. This realisation has also reminded him of a rhetorical question uttered by a speaker at an emotion awareness event held at CUHK: “How could one convince others to love them, when they don’t love themselves?” Those words have been Casey’s motivation, helping him stay positive whenever the going gets tough.

Looking ahead, Casey will keep running the blog. He also hopes to write a book that catalogues the various stories he has heard via Before Sunrise. Hopefully the stories of his “comrades” will raise public awareness of the rights of disabled people, thus enhancing society’s understanding of this underrepresented community.




石洞見光,源自裂縫。每位中大人都有各自的故事,裂縫不盡相同,惟光芒一致,共同映出努力重塑信念的特質。王森從金繼看出重塑的智慧,曾與癌症搏鬥的朱啟晉也從病患中找到光。自2018 年開始,朱啟晉以《裂縫中的陽光》為名,於社交平台連載網誌,分享自己的一路走來的抗癌歷程,希望藉此給予同樣受疾病困擾的讀者一點希望。「許多人認為,裂縫是不完好、崩缺的,其實這些缺陷使人與眾不同。」朱啟晉形容,正因為石縫的出現才可讓陽光透進,讓人得以和暖重塑身心。

二十來歲,朱啟晉已經走盡高山低谷,疾病交纏下經歷兩次留級,使他對人際關係感到擔憂。他學習與痛苦共存,亦因此較容易理解到別人的痛苦。刻下他盼望透過網誌,記錄身體狀況,並分享學習得著,但更大收穫的是與讀者的互動。有一次,一位和自己同樣患有遺傳眼疾的讀者傳來訊息,細訴在職場和家庭都得不到理解的坎坷經歷 ——上司不了解視障員工而對其加以謾罵,家人又對病情不以為然,訴苦無門的讀者決定找上朱啟晉。朱啟晉鼓勵該讀者尋找其他工作機會,主動聯絡願意支援視障員工的企業。他指自己樂意擔當聆聽者,給予讀者抒發空間,認為和讀者相處好比對待朋友一樣,跟他們聊天甚至會感到得益匪淺。

「不是我幫他們,而是他們使我不斷學習。」朱啟晉指,每一位向他傾訴的讀者都有不同的背景,有些故事的主角經已投身職場。在聆聽讀者的遭遇時,仿如為仍未投身社會的自己來一場預演,好讓他對未來的挑戰有了準備,使他提早明白到社會步伐急促,要靠自身改變想法以重塑心靈。這讓朱啟晉記起,在一個由關注學生情緒問題的中大學生組織所辦的活動中,聽到一句深刻的說話 ——「如果自己也不愛自己,怎樣說服他人愛自己?」這句話朱啟晉一直把持在心,遇上挫折時就用來激勵自己。
